38 days ago, in the middle of the Christmas holiday season, I ate 24 coconut petit fours in 24 hours. When I was halfway through the butter toffee, I stopped. I walked to the trash can in tears and tossed it, promising myself I was done with sugar.
28 days ago, I had weaned myself down to one diet soda per day after countless years of drinking it like water. I cut out that last can of diet soda and promised myself to stop drinking chemicals.
25 days ago, I decided to give myself an imaginary lap band. I had been considering lap band surgery and, after reading several patient experiences on an online forum, decided to give the pre-op diet a go…just to see what it was like. I had a food epiphany that helped me stop thinking of eating healthy as a chore.
And a little over 24 hours ago, I created my version of Motivation Marbles, pinned it on Pinterest…and your outpouring of support has absolutely overwhelmed me…and humbled me. I am so absolutely grateful for each and every one of your comments, your “likes”, your shares, and your pins. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I had a pretty full day today. In addition to my regular job, I had an interview for a promotion and needed to refit my resume for another job I was applying for within my company. In between all these tasks, my phone would alert me that you were listening.
Bleep! A new comment on the blog.
Beep beep! A new pin on Pinterest.
Hoo Hoo! A new “like” on Facebook.
I went down to the cafeteria to get a bag of Stacy’s Pita Chips to eat with my sandwich. My eyes grazed over the lemon bars that I used to get every single day. I try not to look at them for long. (I think calories can smell fear.) But just as my eyes were grazing over the lemon bars, Bleep! New comment on the blog. Oh look! It’s from someone who has to lose 94 lbs. I instantly identify with her.
Walking back to my desk. Hoo Hoo! New Facebook likes on my Fan Page. More smiles. It was as if you were all following me today, reading my blog and enjoying yourselves as much as I was enjoying your comments.
By the way, remember yesterday morning when I promised that I would try the cucumber juice concoction I’d been thinking about? Turned out to be 2 cucs, 2 oranges, a bunch of mint & basil Here it is:
It was…mildly tasty. I think I’m happier with the fact that it didn’t completely turn me off. I want to try again! Anyway, back to today’s events…
I came home expecting so see that the visits on my blog have settled down, but they haven’t. They’re continuing to skyrocket. I plopped down in front of my laptop and read more comments. I will always try to respond to you – even if you’re only saying hi. My husband came home and I was still replying to you. He asked what I was doing and I said “Replying to my readers”. My readers. 🙂
I sat here at this laptop for quite a while, knowing that I have promised myself that I will do 6 days of exercise in a row. This is a weakness of mine and so this is the challenge I’ve extended myself. I would much rather have sat on the couch – or that’s what I thought. There was a big Saint Bernard head in my lap and I was being required to administer belly rubs. I kept telling myself “Later. I’ll do it later…before bed.”
More and more comments came in and, as I read them, I realized…I want to get on the treadmill. I promised myself in front of my readers that I would exercise for 6 days in a row. I thought of all the cheers you’ve given me and all the stories you’ve shared with all of us. Suddenly the excuses fell away and I didn’t want to let you down. I wanted to walk my own talk. So I got on the treadmill tonight at a time when I am usually getting ready for bed.
The last several times I’ve been on the treadmill, I’ve lasted for 10 to 20 minutes. Each time, I’ve tried not to watch the clock as it ticks off my time. Why does that clock seem to move so slow?
This time, I remembered to grab my iPod and headphones. I got on the treadmill. Train was singing “Hey, Soul Sister” in my head…and I smiled. I walked. With pep, energy, and purpose – not the clunky, oh-crap-I-am-so-stopping-at-KFC-after-this lurch I used to do. The music lifted me. The idea that there are all these strangers out there who come to this blog and see what I’m up do…it gave me a little extra dose of sassy on that treadmill.
I started walking and I had my mental clock set for 20 minutes. Let’s not get crazy here, I’m just starting back to exercise. I trudged on while Caesar the cat lounged on the bed behind me, looking at me as if to say “Watching you clunk around on that thing only makes me more sleepy.”
As I walked, I thought about the comments that you’ve left here for me. I couldn’t stop smiling. And I never smile when I exercise. I knew I was getting close to 20 minutes and looked down. 23 minutes. But I wasn’t tired. I was pumped up by your support…and also by the strong desire to show Caesar the cat that I can rock this treadmill. I decided to go for 30 minutes.
“Like a Prayer” was blasting in my ears (the Glee cast version) and I love that song. My 30 minutes were up, but I wanted to hear the end of the song…so I kept going. 32:06 was when I flicked the switch.
32 minutes and 6 seconds. That’s the most time I’ve spent on a treadmill in a year and a half.
This has been an amazing day for me. Seeing your comments pop up in email, on my phone, on my Facebook fan page…it means more to me than you know. When I got home from work, I had so much to do I could very well have fallen back on another excuse.
I’m looking forward to moving some marbles VERY soon. As soon as Mother Nature arrives and departs, I’m gett’in on that scale. For now, I’m suffering through the water retention gift she gave me. She’s such a bitch.
I hope you will all keep coming back, posting comments, and supporting each other. It is really amazing what happens when we feel the support of others. Tonight, I felt yours…and I am so grateful for it.
Thank you all for getting me on the treadmill tonight.