I finally met Jenny Lawson…and it was fucking awesome.
Jenny Lawson, aka The Bloggess, is a hysterically funny, amazingly real, incredibly gifted blogger/writer whom I happen to adore. Her first book, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened is amazing. I was pretty much peeing my pants and crying with laughter the whole damn time. You’ll wet yourself at both ends and you’ll be happy about it. So you can imagine my shut-my-mouth-piss-my-pants delight, then, when I learned her new book Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things was being released. Yay!!! I knew all I had to do was call my pal Andrea and tell her about Jenny’s book signing in Dallas and she’d be all “Fuck YEAH!” and she was…so we made plans.
First, we had to head to Dallas this morning to pick up numbered passes for the book signing. Jenny would be doing a reading and Q&A before the signing, but all that wasn’t scheduled until later in the afternoon. We got there just before they opened this morning and BOOM! Mission accomplished.
Rory the raccoon graces the cover of Jenny’s latest book, so naturally we had to get a selfie, right? I tweeted it as well…and Jenny Lawson favorited it. And retweeted it. Holy SHIT biscuits, people! I mean, that’s basically like Jesus retweeting something. Such an honor! Andrea and I squealed all the way to Starbucks (which was exactly across the street). As we were excitedly high-fiving each other over our overpriced legally addictive stimulants, we declared this to be the Best Day Ever.
Next up? A lunchtime catch-up with our pal Lauren (you’ll remember her from the DFW Penis Expedition). I can’t confirm or deny whether there was any talk about possibly having another DFW Penis Expedition again except yes, there was…and yes, we will. Andrea’s about to get married and Brenda’s engaged, so we need to squeeze in another expedition between weddings.
Then it was straight onto talk about whether the evil Lord Sauron from Lord of the Rings has spent his retirement as an interior decorator for The Cheesecake Factory. Thoughts?
The Tower of Sauron:
Sauron’s Cheesecake Factory:
One cheesecake to rule them all. I think I’ve made my point.
Back to the bookstore we went…and before we knew it, it was time for Jenny to take the stage! It’s amazing, by the way, how many people you meet at a book signing. They were all just as wonderfully weird and unique as Jenny herself. And me. And Andrea. It was like having a room full of siblings I’d never met before. Awesomeness.
By the way, I made Jenny a card with the DFW Penis on it. Surely someone as awesome as Jenny would want to know that they were balls deep in the DFW Penis, yes? Yes. So I made her a card to show her exactly where the bookstore is within the DFW Penis.
Jenny entered the room to thunderous applause. I actually tried to start a standing ovation, but I was in the back so no one could see me except the people behind me who were already standing. Sometimes I don’t think when I’m over excited. I got about five people to stand, though, so let’s just call it a win.
She read two chapters: one somewhat serious and one funny. Both were funny, though. Jenny has a way of telling painful truths in a way that’s still funny and still real. She has a gift and I want to be her when I grow up. The Q&A was awesome as well and full of laughs. With all the shit this woman has to deal with, I expected her to be a bit awkward…but she really wasn’t. I’m sure she probably felt that way, but she was amazing. Sincere, funny, and very real. And quite brave for being out and about with a gazillion adoring fans.
We lined up for the signing, chatting with more of our fellow fans and just enjoying the day. The closer we got to Jenny, the more excited we were to share with her that she was smack-dab, balls deep in the DFW Penis. Shit was about to get real, yo.
OMG…she’s right…THERE!!! (And yes…I did put a sparkly glitter daisy sticker in the middle of the balls on the map.)
Then the moment arrived. We met the incredibly awesome Jenny Lawson!!! In true hot mess fashion, we welcomed her to Dallas and then…well…I actually uttered this sentence:
We wanted to let you know that you’re balls deep in the DFW Penis, Jenny!
She’s all…what? LOL. I explained. It was a very surreal experience to explain to Jenny Lawson that we basically live in a dick. And she loved it.
Best. Day. EVER. Truly.
Thank you, Jenny, for letting us be part of your tribe. ♥