Happy 100 to Me!


This is my 100th post. 🙂

I’m so, so, SO grateful for all the support and love I’ve received from all of you. When I started this healthy change in December, I never would have thought that I would hear from so many who identified with what I have to say…and I continue to be profoundly touched by all your words of encouragement, whether they are comments here…on my Facebook fan page…or via private message.

I wish I had a million dollars to give away as a 100th post reader appreciation prize…but, sadly, I don’t. I do, however, have a pretty cool “toy” to raffle off today:

The S2H Step pedometer.


If you haven’t heard of this before, it’s a pretty fun idea: wear the pedometer every day and it tracks your steps. The pedometer will give you a 12 digit/letter combination code for every 10,000 steps you take. Go to their website and redeem the code for 60 points. Save up points for rewards like gift cards…discounts off spa weekends…sports equipment…workout gear, you name it. Now, I think it’s important to note that the rewards offered change consistently. You can look at the rewards one day and be really UNDERwhelmed and the next day…OMG! When I first got my S2H, a Nintendo Wii was available as a reward. So wear your pedometer and save up your points. You never know what’s going to pop up!

For the gentlemen who read my blog, I must apologize. This particular S2H Step pedometer is pink. If you like pink, more power to ya! But if you don’t…please stay tuned. I plan on having many more raffles to show my appreciation!

In order to use the S2H Step, you do need to register for a FREE account with them. I’m not being compensated by S2H in any way for doing this…and I bought this pedometer with my own money as a gift from me to one lucky reader. Please check the S2H website for more information before you register for the drawing.

All you have to do to register for the raffle is post a comment here on my 100th anniversary post. That’s all. 🙂 I will draw the winner (using random.org) on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 6 pm central time. The winner will be announced here sometime that night.

I am cooking up many more thank you’s for y’all…including my first YouTube video…and, of course…some raffles for Hot Mess Princess t-shirts and water bottles. I need more hours in the day to get all these things done! When I say that my number one priority must always be watching over my food & exercise, I know you get me.

I appreciate your patience and encouragement so very much. Every single of one you is a part of my silver lining.

So, so grateful,


35 thoughts on “Happy 100 to Me!

  1. Dianne,
    I just want to say that you have been an inspiration to many of us.  I stumbled on your site and enjoy reading your blogs and your Facebook updates!  I can relate in so many weighs 🙂  (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun!).  You have such a great attitude and keep us plugging along when we feel like giving up.  Wishing you continued success and we will meet our goals!!

  2. Congrats on your 100th post! I love it when I see you have a new post up! You keep me laughing and keep me motivated! You are a huge inspiration! You rock girl!!!

  3. You are such an inspiration for me. Anytime I am feeling less than motivated, or just wanting to give up, I can always come to your blog/facebook page, and get that little extra “umph” that I need to keep at it. Thanks for all of your hard work, and here’s to me winning that pink pedometer!!!!   🙂

  4. Congrats on 100!! I found you on Pinterest and was immediately hooked! We’ve definitely got the twinship vibe kickin’ and I continue to be inspired by you in new ways everyday! Thank you for being here for all of us everyday!

  5. I am so glad for YOU.  Love your spirit, love your determination, love your blog, love your facebook page.  Thank you for motivating us in big ways and small ways every day!

  6. I look forward to the next 100 posts. You keep me trying to do this even when I want to give up! Thank you for doing this!

  7. Congratulations on your 100th post!! I love you’re blog. You are such an inspiration to me! 🙂

  8. Congratulations on the 100th post!!!  Finding your blog has not only helped me but has also help a whole group of people who were looking for someone to offer inspiration and hope.  You make me want to not give up!!! 

    “Do or do not, there is no try.” ~ Yoda 🙂

  9. Yeah for 100!! Love your being frankness. Keep them coming b/c you are great inspiration.

  10. Woo hoo! #100 – way to go! (And just think how excited we’ll be when it’s 100 lbs gone we’re celebrating!) 😉

  11. Thanks Dianne for all your wonderful post and encouragement.  Your post always put a smile on my face, that is if I’m not laughing out loud.

  12. I’m really impressed. I have a lot less to lose, but I get discouraged so easily. I keep reading your blog because it helps get me on track. You rock, girl!

  13. I’ve been thinking about a pedometer… the prizes would be extra motivation 🙂

    Congrats on 100 posts! I check for a new one almost every day. Keep ’em coming!

  14. Wow 100 posts already, awesome….I’m always checking to see if you posted anything new, most of the time you are saying just what I feel. Love Ya and keep at it, Slow and steady is the best way.

  15. Congrads on 100 posts…. and thank you for the day to day inspiration.  Its nice to know that i’m not out here fighting this battle alone.  So many women are trying, and their posts are nice but you’re a real person with more than 10 pounds to lose and that itself inspires since we are almost the same weight and have the same goals.  

  16. 100 posts-congrats! Thanks for helping me remember that I’m not going through this life style change alone!

  17. Congratulations on your 100th post. You are such an inspiration to so many Dianne!!

  18. Congrats on 100 posts!! You have been great inspiration and motivation for me and I love reading your posts!

  19. Congratuations on your 100th post and thank you for showing us how to celabrate the little victories along the path to a healther life. Thank you!

  20. WOW!  How wonderful for you 100 posts of ‘go-power-posts’… You have no idea how many times I look back at your blogs to get me through my days.  I’m slightly stuck right now and again looking back.  You have far more will power than I do and each day I look forward to reading something on here or on your post.. you in most cases will make me laugh or make me nod my head thinking… wow that’s so me!  Keep up the blogs… WE all need them… for sure I know I do!  You are an amazing writer and a true inspiration to me!  Cant wait to see u tell us u have hit 200!!!

  21. Congrats on the 100th post. You have really helped me alot. I can’t wait to talk to you actually talk to you more than a hear and there. So proud of you

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