
I have another post for y’all in the morning, I promise…but if you’re a regular fan of my blog, you know I’m a handbag ho.  I have a horrible weakness for designer handbags and I’m too excited not to post this, peeps!

Hot Mess Hubby tucked a very nice Kate Spade gift card in my stocking this Christmas and it’s been burning a hole in my wallet ever since.  Today, I decided to stop at the new outlet mall near our home just to see if they still had the bag I was drooling over a few weeks ago.

The adorable Natalie was kind enough to help me while I stood in the middle of handbag heaven, drooling like Kirby & Dyson when the hubby’s grilling.  The entire store was 60%.  Seriously.  I think I peed a little.

I ended up walking out of the store with two bags.   TWO BAGS!!!  I can’t get the smile off my face right now.  I immediately went home, yanked all my crap out of my $12 Sam Moon piece o’ crap handbag and put it out on the coffee table with the two bags…methodically deciding which one to use first.  (Shut up, it’s an important decision…one that can not be rushed!)

Even though my pals on my Facebook fan page were heavily voting for the polka dot bag, I went with the plaid – but I can explain.  The plaid is more wintery…so I think I should use it first.  See?  Logic.

So here are my fabulous, gorgeous 60% off bags…and I can’t get the smile off my face.  I may sleep with it tonight.  Really.

My bags and my crap.

I’ll see y’all tomorrow. We’ll be talking about 2013…and yes, I’ll still be on a handbag high from my little shopping trip.

5 thoughts on “Handbags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Love those! congrats :O
    Last year I got a Brighton crossbody from hubby – I DID sleep with it crossed across me!! Happy New Year 😀

  2. Sorry, I realize that could be misconstrued :). How lucky that the bags were on sale so you could get two!

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