Raffle Time!!!

Hey y’all!

I promised on my Facebook fan page that if I won Fox 4 Good Day’s Facebook Friend of the Month that I’d have a raffle on my blog…and I did.  So I’m ready to deliver!

Usually there’s just one winner and we’re done.  I’m kicking things up a notch this time.  I’m going to double up the fun!!  There will be TWO winners of this fabulous Hot Mess Bad Ass raffle.

Here’s how it works:

You have until 12 midnight on Friday, January 25th, 2013 to post a comment here on this post and tell me which of the following prizes you like the most.  Posts on Facebook do not count!  You have to post here.

I will use Random.org to draw the names of two winners…who get to choose from any of the prizes listed here on this post!  Both winners must message me using the Contact Me tab above and provide their names and shipping addresses so that I can send out the goodies.

Limit 1 entry per person.

So…are you ready?  Tell me which of these prizes you want most:

The one, the only Hot Mess Bad Ass journal!
The one, the only Hot Mess Bad Ass journal! (comes in RED too!)


Have your Hot Mess coffee in a Hot Mess Bad Ass mug!
Have your Hot Mess coffee in a Hot Mess Bad Ass mug!
Slap a Bad Ass sticker on anything you want!
Slap a Bad Ass sticker on anything you want! (Comes in RED too!)
Double click your heart out on this Bad Ass mouse pad!
Double click your heart out on this Bad Ass mouse pad!















































C’mon, peeps…lemme have it!

46 thoughts on “Raffle Time!!!

  1. I look forward to seeing what you talk about everyday glad you are my friend ! And I would like the red journal please and thank you…

  2. First, congrats on the Fox Friend of the Month win! Secondly, I NEED that mug in my life. It’s totally awesome and one of a kind!

  3. Congrats on being picked! You are so brave to face your fears.

    Coffee mug all the way! I’m a big tea drinker (unsweetened). I’m always running out of clean mugs.

  4. I would love the pink journal! That way I can keep track of my day and be less of a Hot Mess. I think it is awesome you were on TV. That’s fun!!

  5. You totally ROCK for going on TV!! I could never do it. I would love that Red Journal…to write down all my crazy thoughts. 😉

  6. I love following your blog and FB-you seriously crack me up! 🙂 I’d love to have the coffee mug-my husband thought it was totally appropriate-especially first thing in the morning (I’m a real you-know-what before my first cup of joe!)
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. I love this blog! I’d like the coffee mug because I love coffee. Some days it is truly my best friend.

  8. You make my day everytime I read your blog! Congrats on winning the Fox Friend of the Month! You looked great on TV, no matter what YOU think… I would love a Hot Mess Mug.

  9. Religiously read your blog and follow you on facebook. Just let me say – you crack me up and brighten my days on a regular basis!! I would love to have the coffee mug in pink please!!

  10. Hey D, congrats! Of course, they just acknowledged what I’ve known for years now… BESTIEST FRIEND EVAR! 🙂

    I’m all about the mug, coffee-swiller that I am. And as tempted as I may be with the pink, I think I’ll go with red instead. LOL

  11. Good morning! If I win I’d love the mug, for all of those Hot Mess Bad Ass mornings!! If there is a choice of color, pink rocks! Keep up the fight…don’t let the 7 get ya down!

  12. OOOhhhh, I would love either of the journals, HMP you are awesome!!!! I always look forward to your post and especially the Blogs. You have a true talent in writing.

  13. Congrats on being FB fan of the month! 🙂

    At first I thought I’d like the journal, but thinking about it I realized once it’s used it’s done. The mug lasts forever though – or close enough. So mug in red, please. 😛

  14. Hmmmm tough decision! I think I will go for the mouse pad…. it will remind me to get my butt off the computer and move! 🙂

  15. Mouse pad, definitely! On the days when I’m logging food only to see if I can afford to have a donut, it will keep me out of the breadbox!

  16. I just stumbled onto your blog and I am soo loving it. You are a riot and I am looking forward to keeping up. I love the mug… Hope I get one..

  17. pink journal. I think my hubby would kill me if another coffee mug came in this house (especially since I don’t do hot drinks).

  18. I get up every morning, get my cup of coffee and turn to your page, I know, i know, get a life, seriously, you always make my day and you have been with me every step of the way of my 100 pound weight loss. I would love love love this coffee mug !!!!

  19. I’m a coffee drinker, so the mug for sure….but the notebook would be nice for logging food, too!

  20. I would have to say the journal is by far the best! I would live to have it to write about my accomplishments and to share with others!

  21. Awesome job on overcoming your fears and moving forward! I love reading your blog and facebook updates and my husband even gets a chuckle out of some of the things I share with him. I would love the pink journal. This will help me become more accountable in logging my food, exercise, water and moods! Again, congrats on the awesome job you are doing. You are an inspiration!!

  22. CONGRATS ON THE WIN! Also, that mug already has an open space in my cabinet. Hot tea and coffee are vital to my existence and it would be so much better in a bad ass mug AND I’d be unbelievably excited to show it off in public! LOL I love your blog and I wait (sometimes impatiently lol) for new posts! Thanks for being awesome!

  23. I want the badass journal please but not in Red. I like pink better! When I see red I want to charge like a bull! He He

  24. Your blog posts and Facebook posts make my day! You have an awesome sense of humor! I wouldn’t mind getting any of the items- they are all great. Guess if I picked one it would be the journal.

  25. I love reading your blog and Facebook posts. You are an inspiration!! I would love the pink journal, please. Thank you!

  26. First of all, thanks. I love your posts; they always brighten seem to brighten my day. A Hot Mess-Princess-Bad Ass Journal would inspire me to track my daily activities… in red would be a plus.

  27. You are awesome! Congrats on friend of the month!
    I love the journal…who doesn’t need a hot mess journal?

  28. EEEEEEEEEEEE….love love love you!! Let’s see……the pink journal. Thanks!! ;O)

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