Tag Archives: texas

Texas, My Texas

Hey peeps!

Just a light weekend post this morning to let you know something special is about to happen. No, I’m not talking about my 100th post…although that’s coming next time! I’m talking about my 6th anniversary as a “naturalized Texan”.

It’s a cardinal sin in Texas to call yourself a Texan if you weren’t native born. State pride is huge here – in fact, it’s one of things that made me fall in love with the Lone Star state. So many things made me fall in love with Texas on my first trip here. No one, least of all me, ever though I would leave California…but it took a place as special as Texas to get me to see that I belong here.

I’m so good at the Texas lifestyle that one of my Texan friends slapped me with the title of “naturalized Texan”…and I wholeheartedly accepted. I’m a good citizen of the Lone Star state. I fly my Texas state flag on Alamo Heroes Day, Texas Independence Day, and all the state holidays. I listen to Pat Green music…I even go to his concerts.  I cheer for the Dallas Cowboys, even though they suck. I cheer for the Texas Rangers because they’re the most awesome baseball team in the universe. 🙂 And whenever possible I make food in the shape of the great state of Texas. (I’m pretty sure that’s a state law.) So I made something special for breakfast this morning involving carbs – and even sugar – in honor of my six years in this heaven on earth I call home.

On my first anniversary in Texas, my girlfriends bought me a waffle iron that makes Texas shaped waffles. I don’t use it very often, but it’s one of my favorite things.  It can be a little tricky to get the batter all the way over to El Paso and down to Brownsville, but I get it done.  Whenever we have guests from out of state, I whip it out and make waffles for breakfast. Like I said…Texas law. 🙂

Six years ago this coming Tuesday morning, Hot Mess Hubby and I packed up the cats and all our stuff and left southern California behind. The morning after we got here, I was driving to the grocery store and I couldn’t stop smiling at that big, blue Texas sky. The green grassy fields and trees were gorgeous against it. White puffy clouds. Simply a gorgeous day. But most days are like that here. That morning, I made a promise to myself that I would never take for granted the fact that I live in a place that has such a big, blue sky…and beautiful green fields…huge lakes…and woods everywhere. Six years later, I can say from the deepest place in my heart that I never have. I love it here every bit as much as I did back then.

Hot Mess Hubby and I at the Alamo in 2005 before we moved here.  My mother in law isn’t a great photographer and she cut off the top of the Alamo.  Tsk tsk tsk!!














The bike and jogging path that runs for 20+ miles behind my house. Look at that big beautiful Texas sky. 🙂 I do walk here in the fall…not in the spring or summer. Click here if you don’t remember why. 🙂

Wherever you go…wherever you live…my wish for you is that you’re as happy wherever you are as I am right here at home.  In my beloved Lone Star state.


Songs About Texas