Category Archives: General Hoo-Hah

Reasons My Son Photobombs Everything

We don’t have “normal” kids. Otherwise this blog would be filled with stories of my Hot Mess children. Instead, we have two incredibly large dogs who are loaded with personality and love. And a little drool. So when Momma Kat handed out the blog memes this week and I saw this one, I knew I had to do it.


If you haven’t heard of the “Reasons My Son Is Crying” tumblr page, it’s basically a Mom being creative and using tumblr as a sort of therapy/venting tool to laugh about the roller coaster existence you have when you have a toddler in your life. I was most inspired to create my own version of it…but my son isn’t human…and the only time he cries is when someone eats a piece of pizza too close to the crust and he thinks he’s not going to get any.

My son is a 1/2 English Sheep Dog, 1/2 Saint Bernard, 130 pound Hot Mess puppy dog. Named Dyson. Yes…he’s named after a vacuum cleaner (so is my daughter Kirby, the 100% pure bred Saint Bernard with a fetish for stealing hamburger buns).

Dyson wears many hats in our family. Playmate for Kirby. Protector of the family. Arch nemesis to Sarah the cat. Turd burglar. And now…photobomber.

Here is Dyson in all his big, brown-eyed, muppet dog glory:

My big ball of love
My big ball of love



















By the way, for those of you who haven’t heard the term “photobomb”, it’s basically the word used to describe what happens when someone is taking a picture or video and someone else ducks in at the last minute and steals the focus. Sometimes it’s on purpose and sometimes it’s not, but the results are usually pretty funny.

Here are a few examples:

Mr Seal photobombing the penguins


No, that’s not me back there. Shut up.


You get the idea…

Anyway, I was in California last weekend, and one of the things on my “to do” list was to show Mom how to use the webcam on her new computer. After I created desktop shortcuts for her email and YouTube accounts (she watches Englebert Humperdink videos online…I’m not even making that shit up), I set up Skype. I had Hot Mess Hubby call us on webcam. Not only did she get to see how it works, but she got to visit with her incredibly scruffy son-in-law for a while as well. Two birds, one stone. Everyone wins. Except me because, as you’ll see in the photo below, I have to kiss a beard with a face under it.

So…in the middle of our webcam visit, Dyson hears my voice. We couldn’t see him, but apparently he was looking everywhere for me. He could hear me, of course, but he couldn’t find me. And then it happened.


Momma? Why I can't smell you?
Momma? Why I can’t smell you?

Mom and I were cracking up. It was adorable in a thousand ways I just can’t describe. Out of nowhere, this giant muppet head floats into view…and when he sees me on the screen, he tilts his head curiously and launches himself at my laptop. (I came home last night to find a giant spot of dried drool on the screen of my beloved laptop.) He was giving me kisses.

He just wanted his Momma. True to his personality, he inserted himself where he needed to be in order to find me. And get kisses.

I seem to bring out the kissy monster in this boy. He was just a 3 month old, 35 pound puppy when I met him at St Cloud’s Rescue. He was wearing the Cone of Shame and I was sitting on the grass waiting to see which puppies took an interest in me. He waddled right up to me, shoved the Cone of Shame over my head, and kissed me in the face. Between that and his adorable chubby butt, it didn’t take too long for me to fall in love.

Since then, Dyson has led a very pampered, spoiled life. If he was a human, his last name would be Kardashian. Think about it: long hair, big brown eyes, huge badonka-donk. Plus, he’s not the sharpest pencil in the box. Total Kardashian.

In his defense, though, he has a huge heart full of love – and he would never make a sex tape. My boy’s got class. He’s a snuggly, farty, unruly mess of love and devotion. He’s ever vigilant, never far away, and God forbid if I’m writing and he thinks I should be paying attention to him. He photobombs my laptop.'s time for kisses and belly rubs.
Momma…it’s time for kisses and belly rubs.






















And what do I do about it?

I close the laptop, pat the cushion next to me, and let him flop his giant ass up on the couch. Many sweet nothings are whispered, many belly rubs are given.

Anything for my rescue puppy…who really rescued me. I can’t wait to see what he photobombs next.

My boy...helping me get rid of the menstrual cramps
My boy…helping me get rid of the menstrual cramps

















Please consider donating to St Cloud’s Rescue. There’s a donate button on their website.

What silly behaviors do your pets do? Tell me. 🙂

…and the winner is…


Wanna know who won the raffle?

i won












Post #5: Angie Jacobs!!!

Angie, please click here and send me your shipping address so that I can contact MIRA and tell them who to ship your containers to.  🙂


Thank you all for participating in the raffle. I’ve got another one coming up shortly, so if you didn’t win this one maybe it’s just because you’re supposed to win the next one…right?


Stay tuned…and keep eating healthy!

MIRA Stainless Steel 2 Container Set – Small

No, Mr. Spider, we can’t be friends

I just saw this on Facebook, so naturally I turned my attention away from the other 10 blog posts I have in process right now to write this 11th (and much more trivial) one. Sorry. Sometimes a girl just has to say what’s on her mind, right?



















This conversation would most definitely not be the same if I caught a conversational spider in my shower.


Me: Dude, what the fuck? You’re creep’in me out!

Spider: OMG, sorry…didn’t see you.

Me: Right. Because I’m a thousand times bigger than you, but you didn’t see me. Get back.

Spider: Hey, I’m just coming down to scope out the tub.

Me: Get BACK! I’ll hose you with this shaving cream, I swear to God!!

Spider: Hey, lady, I’m just trying to stretch my legs.

Me: Gross! You have 8 of ‘em…don’t you think that’s overkill? Honestly…

Spider: Way to be a bitch about it, lady. You’ve got like…4 butts.

Me: Shut up! (Grabs bottle of Suave) Seriously, I’ll shampoo your ass to the wall.

Spider: Okay, okay…I’ll just move over here. Take it easy…take it eeeeasy.

Me: That’s better. You have 5 minutes to get the hell out of my house or I come back and Raid your ass to the grave, man.

Spider: Geez, lady…can’t we live in peace?

Me: No. No, we can’t. I hate your webs, I hate your creepy crawliness, and I hate your 8 legs. Pack your damn bags and get the hell out before I go get my .38

Spider: Bitch.

Me: (Squirts a cup and a half of shampoo on spider…screaming while its lifeless corpse slides down the shower wall and down the drain, then walks out like a badass.)

And that’s how conversations with spiders go down in the Hot Mess household.

The Amazing Spider-Man (Three-Disc Combo: Blu-ray / DVD + UltraViolet Digital Copy)

Blog Meme: A 7th Grade Memory

As part of Momma Kat’s awesome blog meme this week, I’ve decided to write about a 7th grade memory…so here we go:

When I was in the 7th grade and all the other girls were aflutter about which boy they were going to ask to the Sadie Hawkins dance, I was hauling a future literary masterpiece from class to class in my book bag. I kept it in an adjustable report cover, which was very well worn, and I added pages daily. Hundreds of pages of notebook paper with thousands of handwritten words were crammed together. On the cover, I’d sketched the outside of an alien temple that was the central location of the story within. It was the first book I ever wrote.

See, there were two brothers who were exceptionally dreamy at my school: Eric and Robert Hunkybutt. (Their names may have been changed to protect their privacy. I really can’t say.) While Eric and Robert were both quite handsome, it was Eric who’s big blue eyes and sun bleached hair really spoke to my out-of-control girly hormones. Dude was hot, okay? Hot. And while the other girls at my school were content to gaze lovingly at Eric and Robert in class, writing “Mrs. Eric Hunkybutt” on their notebooks…I was not.

Instead, I made Eric and his brother the central characters in my book. They weren’t 7th graders in my book, though, they were astronauts. Sent to another planet to investigate unnatural phenomenon discovered by NASA, they were the first brothers to fly in space together. I spent hours with them every day…and they had no idea.

The 7th Grade Novelist...with really bad surfer bangs. Don't judge.
The 7th Grade Novelist…with really bad surfer bangs. Don’t judge.

At the young age of 11, I was very serious about my writing. My book was always with me, so that if inspiration hit me in the middle of math or home ec class I would be ready to go. In my book bag, I carried a pencil case with a variety of #2 pencils and erasers. I had written my masterpiece on at least three different types of notebook paper, all of which responded differently to erasers – so I knew that the pink gum eraser worked best with pages written on Mead 5 hole punch paper. The blue monster eraser I’d won at the school fair was best for the recycled notebook paper I’d used in the middle of Chapter Three. The eraser on my Peace & Love pencil was best for making adjustments to the report cover itself. I was a serious girl and this was my tool kit for success.

Once I came home from school, I locked my book in an old cash box my Mom had given me and hid it under my bed – because, of course, if any literary spies from Random House tried to break in and steal my brilliant manuscript they would never think of looking under the bed. I never took it to the dance studio when it was time for practice. I knew that The King, my evil father-figure/dance teacher, would enjoy making fun of me for believing that I could ever be a successful writer. Keeping me beaten down and demoralized was sport for him. So I kept my dreams of being a writer relatively quiet. Only my mother knew – and only because she was called by at least one of my teachers every year, who enthusiastically told her “This girl’s a writer…please encourage that!

I still have the report cover in a scrapbook, but I have no idea what happened to the pages it once held together. As far as I can recall, I kept writing the story until I got to high school and (during a re-read) my much more mature/crazy 9th grader brain thought “OMG…this could totally never happen. What a piece of crap!”

I moved on to write other stories in high school and college and, once I quit the dance studio and The King was no longer exerting his negativity on my life, I enjoyed a brief solace from drama. My imagination roamed free for a time. At one point, I had 11 screenplays and 7 novels going. I found inspiration everywhere and in everything. I told everyone that I had found my calling and that I was going to be a writer. Bad mistake.

“You can’t be a writer. You need to pick something that you can fall back on so you can get a job.”

That was the standard line I heard from most of the people who were closest to me. I can’t be a writer. I need a career. Something to fall back on. Like an accountant…or a  funeral director. It wasn’t long before I stopped writing completely. I quit college because if I couldn’t be a writer I didn’t want to go. I got a “real job” in retail…which lead to a “real job” in the corporate world. Before I knew it, I was managing a department and my imagination was nowhere to be found.

Don’t despair. There’s a happy ending here.

Isn’t it lucky for me that there’s something inherently wrong with my DNA and that I never really grew up? Isn’t it lucky for me that I married a man who is so supportive that he has, at times, forced me to sit at the keyboard and write?

No matter how many curves life throws at you, no matter how many cruel people you meet in your life, there is one thing you can trust that never falters: you are you, no matter what.

A tumultuous childhood, four different therapists, six years of therapy, and a whole non-writing career later…here I am. Still a writer.

People can try to blow out the spark that’s inside you. They may even dim it for a while…but it will never go out.

You are you, no matter what. So am I. And I…am a writer. But without the bad surfer bangs…because sometimes you do have to grow up and realize that some things just aren’t for you.

18″ Native Treasure Real White Chips Puka Shell Necklace

Billboard #1s: The ’70s

Candy Crate 1970’s Retro Candy Gift Box


Yesterday would have been my Dad’s 90th birthday.

No matter where I am or what I have going on in my life, March 28th is always a bittersweet day for me. He wasn’t a perfect father. He didn’t know how to give of himself the way dads should. He struggled with his own self-worth every day of his life. But he knew how to comfort me when I was sick and Mom was at the store getting my medicine – and he knew how to read me “Green Eggs and Ham” a hundred times…and once again before bed.

Dad and me
Dad and me

He was never able to come to terms with his alcoholism. He died at the relatively young age of 67. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wish things weren’t different. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss him terribly. I wish he’d met my husband. I wish he was here for me to talk to.

Yesterday, as my husband and I were walking around the Dallas Arboretum with my niece, Dad sent a message. Or maybe it was God. Either way, it brought me to tears for a moment.

See, Dad was known for wearing light blue Dickies style jumpsuits pretty much every day. He’d read an article that smart people didn’t waste their brain cells on wardrobe choices, so he bought 7 of them so he had one for every day of the week. Those light blue jumpsuits became somewhat of a family joke over the years. It was a challenge to get him to wear anything else.

So yesterday, as I was sitting in one of the beautiful gardens at the arboretum on Dad’s birthday, I turned my head just in time to see a very old man shuffling along the path…in a light blue jumpsuit. And I knew. It was a sign…from him or from God, who knows, but it was a sign. I’m always with you and I love you.

Me too, Daddy.

What are the odds? No one wears those things anymore except maybe workmen – and they don’t wear the light blue ones. I never see them anywhere. Yet yesterday, on my dad’s birthday, an elderly man just happens to walk by me wearing the very same one my Dad always wore.

So happy birthday, Daddy. I love you and I miss you. Always.

Dad and me...and the light blue jumpsuit
Dad and me…and the light blue jumpsuit